Monday, March 17, 2008

So Much in March!! :)

So far it has been a busy month!! We've had groups at the camp, a couple of Birthday parties, and a Livestock Show!! This year the Camp was able to showcase a booth where we passed out brochures and talked to people about the great opportunity to send their kiddos to a Christian Summer camp. There were many that knew of the camp and had been there years ago. There were also others that had never heard of it, so it was a great opportunity. We had a tremendous response from everyone we talked to. Many volunteers from our church made it out to the show grounds to help run the booth and for them we are thankful!!! It started on the 6th and just ended yesterday so it was a long but Fun 10 days!!!
One of the nights we went just for fun and attended the RODEO!!! I love the rodeo!!! it was a blast! and Justin really enjoyed the Horses! Last year we went when Justin was only 4 months old and to go back this year...its amazing to see what a difference a year makes! He was able to enjoy it so much more!! :)
This week we'll be making the final preparations for our Annual Rally in the Valley!!! Its on Saturday the 22nd...keep that day in your prayers as it has rendered many new lives to Christ in years past.
My next endevour is selling stuff on Ebay...I have so much that i could just get rid of and I would love to make $$$ in the if there are any experienced Ebayers out there let me know how its been?? (and of course I'll also donate to good causes ;) After Rally we'll be Spring Cleaning at our house so thats where i plan to find my "junk" and try to sell it...:)
Well, We hope all is well with everyone and we ask that you pray for John's Grandmother who has been ill these days with a respiratory problem...thank you!
Love Ya'll :)
check out all the pics!!!


Brenda said...

We still praying for you guys!

The Mendoza's Household said...

Who is that? Dios sigue siendo fiel? an ebay seller! Haber si no salgo comprandote algo por ebay, seria el colmo! :) Good for you. Love you bunches Justin ! Tia Sari

Anonymous said...

Hey how did the rally in the valley go?...i have heard you can make a bundle on ebay...jafet sold some stuff on ebay at one can ask him what he did and then do the opposite cuz he didn't make too much money...hahahaha can't wait to see you guys...