Friday, July 6, 2007

Justin is on the Move!!!

Justin is Crawling!!!! It's been about a week now since he dared to actually crawl from a semi-sitting, semi-crawling position to a full- fledged crawl...last Saturday he took like 2 steps then he would stop...we practiced everyday and now there's no stopping him! I actually cried as I witnessed those first little crawls. I'm not kidding you can ask John he made fun of me all day for that one! I guess Dad's just don't get it huh? :) I was ecstatic even though I've heard that now life is gonna get really hectic for me since I'm gonna have to be after him everywhere he goes. That's OK with me, maybe it'll help me keep shedding all those extra pounds!!! :)

He's also now climbing up on everything he can get a handle on! As you can see in the picture...I've got my work cut out for me from now on I guess!


Xiomie said...

wow!! before we know it he'll be walking!! aww... I think I would have cried too

arauzjames said...

ahh! that's great; he's starting to look like a little toddler! Sofia loves to pull up on anything too. It's really funny to watch her try to sit herself back on the floor; she ends up plopping her butt down. ;-) Take care.

Anonymous said...

Sweet Blog's great seeing Justin crawling in pictures, but it's even greater when you actually get to witness such memorable moment...just like I do about every day:) any event, just thought id drop in to pay this awesome blog a visit since I had kinda forgotten 'bout it being that Im soooooo busy workin n worki;)...well take care y'all...may God continue to richly bless the three of you...I love you guys ~Mr.Figs