Friday, November 17, 2006

So I know we havent posted in a long time..but John finally taught me how to do this so now I will be posting all the time!! Here we were exactly one week before the baby was born...little did we know the big day would come 3 weeks early. My due date wasn't till Nov.14...We are so blessed and thankful for this precious gift. It is the most amazing thing that has ever happend in our lives! Posted by Picasa


Xiomie said...

yeah! that was quite a surprise!!

Jose said...

YEAH! for updating :O) The baby pictures are great :O) Thanks for updating.

Anonymous said...

how are yall doin!!! I cant belive yall are parents now...geez this is so weird...haha
anyways hope all is well take care yall

Anonymous said...


I'm glad you're doing the blog now, so maybe the family can keep up better. I see you all the time, but the extended family needs this. By the way, that's one cute grandson in the picture.

The Mendoza's Household said...

Wow!!! Hello there JBJ!!! Todavia creo en los milagros!! I am glad you are going to start blogging.....:) You know we always check your blog wishing for an update...and today it happened!

Anonymous said...

Hey blandy and john!

this is Jenny just wanted to send ya'll a link to Oprah's website relaying to understanding baby justin's cries. its amazing and it really works. check it out and enjoy!

Yesica said...

Oh oh we need some update here Blandy!!Just joking this is me Yesica just dropping by to see the blog and say hi. God bless

La DueƱa del Mundo: Ana Ruth said...

Felicidades Blandy y John! su bebe esta muy lindo y me encanta su nombre tambien.